Create multiple categories per import

Read the following to learn how to import a personal category hierarchy.

Only Administrators and Moderators can import categories into their Personal Space.


Categories are used to segment your Personal Space into sub-spaces, to organize the storage of your passwords.

Prepare your import file

  • Step 1: Download here the category import template

  • Step 2: Fill out the template as shown in the example below:

Column details: 

Category/SubCategory PasswordPolicyName ExpirationDate
My/Your category name 0 0 or in the format 20401212

Import your file

  • Step 1: In the Settings tab, click on Password, then on Categories Import :

Screenshot 2024-10-31 at 16.00.18.png

  • Step 2: Import your file, then click on Send:

Screenshot 2024-10-31 at 16.03.36.pngScreenshot 2024-10-31 at 16.03.57.png

Your categories have been successfully created in your Personal Space.
