Read on to find out how to add users to the application and invite them to create their account to log into the interface.
Only the Administrator account and Moderators can create new users.
Creation of a Standard User
🚨Warning: with this procedure, the user will be created as a standard one. This means that they will not be able to log in using SSO at all: if they log in through the SSO tab on the login page, authentication will not work. You will have to delete the user from the Management tab, and recreate an account for them, using one of the two other methods described below. |
- Step 1 : In the Management tab, click on
then click on « User »
- Step 2 : In the window that appears, fill in all the new user's information.
- His/her last name, first name and email address (be careful, an email address can not be added more than once).
- An expiration date (this is optional and is the date on which the user's account will be automatically deleted).
- An external "provider" status, if this is the case
- this will not give any particular right to the user, but will simply allow you to visually mark a user external to your company, with the symbol
- this will not give any particular right to the user, but will simply allow you to visually mark a user external to your company, with the symbol
- Step 3 : Click on « Next » and choose the organisation to which the user will belong (it is mandatory to assign an organisation to a user : add him/her in your organisation or in a sub-organisation if desired).
Once this new user is added, he will receive an invitation in his mailbox to create his account on the application.
When an account is pending activation, the user will be marked with the symbol
If necessary, you can resend a link to the user by selecting it, and clicking on « Resend activation link » in the right-hand information pane.
🚨 You can only share passwords and files with a user who has activated his account and created a PIN code (which is the keystone of our encryption mechanisms) |
Creation of an SSO user
The creation of a new SSO account is automatic : simply share your LockSelf URL environment with new users (if you do not want to use this method, use the import method described below).
With this link, they will have to go through the SSO tab, then create an account, using the email address and the associated password used to connect to the directory, then creating their own PIN code.
The provisioning of the accounts in the Management tab will then be done automatically, and as the accounts are created by the users.
🚨For a user created independently with SSO to appear in the Management tab, they must have validated their account and created their PIN code (which is the keystone of our encryption mechanisms). You will be able to share passwords and files only once the user has activated their account by creating a PIN code. |
🚨Deleting a user from the directory will not delete their account from LockSelf. Their account will only be blocked, and the user will no longer be able to log in. You will need to manually delete the user's account in the Management tab in order to recover the license. |
Importing user accounts in bulk
Importing and sending mass account creation invitations requires the creation of a CSV file.
- Step 1 : Create a CSV file, using the following nomenclature :
- Email : user's email
- FirstName : first name of the user
- LastName : user's last name
- ExpirationDate : expiration date (if no date, mention
) - IsPresta : user provider (if the user is a provider, mention
, otherwise0
) - IsSSO : user of your AD (if the user is part of the Enterprise Directory, mention
, otherwise0
Here is what your file should look like in Excel :
🚨 Beware to save your file in CSV format (separator: semicolon) |
- Step 2 : In the Settings tab, click on « User import ».
- Step 3 : Click on « Import a file », select your CSV file on your computer, then click on « Validate ».
Your new users will all receive an email containing a link that will enable them to create their account.
Imported users will then be added in bulk, and will appear in the Management tab within your organization.
The symbol will appear next to the names of the imported users, and will disappear once they have created their account. If a user has not received an invitation e-mail, you can resend it by selecting the user, then, in the right-hand pane, click on « Resend activation link ».