Version 3.32.8 - 09th June 2024
- [LOCKFILES] You can now get the property on one credential
Version 3.32.6 - 26th June 2024
- [LOCKFILES] Improving files and folders search
- [LOCKPASS] Improving credentials move
- [LOCKPASS] You can now correctly remove a description of a credential
Version 3.32.1 - 10th June 2024
- [LOCKPASS] Improving SSH feature
- [LOCKPASS] Improving category deletion
Version 3.32.0 - 03rd June 2024
[New Feature]
- [LOCKPASS] You can now connect to a SSH server directly from LockPass
- [LOCKPASS] Reworking category and password slides
Version 3.31.1 - 22th May 2024
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing navigation
- [LOCKPASS] Category creation is now set in the category you are located
Version 3.30.0 - 20th May 2024
[New feature]
- [DASHBOARD] You can now export weak credentials list
- [LOCKPASS] You now have access to the credentials modification history
- [GENERAL] Improving darkmode
Version 3.29.0 - 7th May 2024
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] You can now add a MFA when you're connected with a standard account
- [IMPORT] Optimizing the KDBX import
Version 3.28.1 - 30th April 2024
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix in users import
Version 3.28.0 - 16th April 2024
- [LOCKPASS] Reworking navigation
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix when you tried to restore credential from trash
Version 3.27.3 - 04th April 2024
- [DASHBOARD] Users number is correctly set without reloading cache
- [LOCKPASS] Display in categories search
Version 3.27.0 - 29th February 2024
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing credentials files download
- [GENERAL] Bugfix when you tried to change your PIN code
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix when you tried to activate the "hide" option on a category
Version 3.26.0 - 22th January 2024
- [GENERAL] You can now login directly from the plugin window
Version 3.25.0 - 08th January 2024
- [GENERAL] You can now add one whitemark per organization
Version 3.24.0 - 28th December 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Improving move popup
- [SSO] Improving error messages
- [LOCKTRANSFER/LOCKFILE] Improving upload time estimated
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix when you tried to send a SMS to a non french phone number
Version 3.23.0 - 24th November 2023
- [DASHBOARD] Improving Dashboard
Version 3.22.4 - 30th October 2023
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Wording adaptation in deposit box protected by password
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix on phone indicator
Version 3.22.3 - 17th October 2023
- [GENERAL] SMTP display has been reworked
Version 3.22.2 - 12th September 2023
- [GENERAL] Webapp now display the first product instead of the dashboard
Version 3.22.1 - 11th September 2023
- [GENERAL] Improving navigation bar
Version 3.22.0 - 31th August 2023
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] Removing some pre-deprecated functions
- [LOCKPASS] Modifying dates to respect the English format when the webapp is set to EN
- [LOCKFILES] Modifying dates to respect the English format when the webapp is set to EN
Version 3.21.0 - 17th July 2023
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] Adding Dashboard
- [LOCKPASS] Improving password generator
- [LOCKPASS] Improving password auto add with the extension
- [MANAGEMENT] You can now block an API user
Version 3.20.2 - 27th June 2023
- [LOCKFILES] Improving dark mode
- [LOCKPASS] Password generator save now the last parameters
- [LOCKPASS] Improving search loading
- [LOCKPASS] Reworking password slide
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix when you try to upload files with specific extension (.rar, .py)
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix in groups search
Version 3.19.2 - 14th June 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Better display for categories with a long name
- [LOCKPASS] Improving Lastpass import
- [LOCKPASS] Improving Chrome import
- [GENERAL] Simple PIN code is now not allowed
- [LOCKPASS] Reworking the design of category movement
- [LOCKPASS] Browser extension has been improved
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix when you want to copy a credential from the extension in some cases
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix when tou want to add a user to a group
- [GENERAL] Bugfix on session duration
Version 3.19.1 - 31th May 2023
- [HISTORY] History view has been reworked
- [UPLOAD] You now have the percentage of progress about your upload
- [EXTENSION] Whitemark logo is now correctly displayed
- [EXTENSION] Popup stay visible when you want to change the destination of a credential
Version 3.18.1 - 09th May 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix on lastpass import
Version 3.18.0 - 12th April 2023
[New feature]
Version 3.17.0 - 27th March 2023
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] Adding permalinks
- [GENERAL] Administrators can now export users
- [LOCKPASS] Adding strength force on passwords policy
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension detection
- [GENERAL] Forgot password on mobile
Version 3.16.1 - 01 March 2023
- [SMTP] Bugfix on SMTP fields
Version 3.16.0 - 27th February 2023
[New feature]
- [MANAGEMENT] You can now import a list of group
- [LOCKPASS] Improving navigation
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension detection
- [LOCKPASS] Password generator is now adapted to the policy attached to the category
- [LOCKPASS] You can now modify the destination category on the extension
Version 3.15.6 - 11th February 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension detection
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix on category creation on root path
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix on password policy edition
- [TOOLS] Bugfix on SMTP form
Version 3.15.5 - 03rd February 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension detection
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix on SMS helper
- [LOCKPASS] Manager can now correctly delete the passwords
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix when you want to create a root shared category
Version 3.15.4 - 26th January 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension performance
Version 3.15.3 - 23th January 2023
- [GENERAL] A lot of design bugfixes
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You're not blocked anymore when you try to upload a file bigger than the limit
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix when you want to promote an api user as moderator
Version 3.15.2 - 14th January 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Improving extension detection
Version 3.15.1 - 10th January 2023
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing extension performance
Version 3.15.0 - 05th January 2023
[New feature]
- [LOCKFILES] You can now delete a folder which contains sub folders and files
- [LOCKPASS] You can now delete a categories which contains sub categories and passwords
- [GENERAL] Optimizing performance on Firefox
- [LOCKPASS] Standardization of icons
- [GENERAL] Bugfix for the multiple selection in some cases
- [GENERAL] Wording
- [LOCKPASS] Tags is now fully added when you create a password
Version 3.14.0 - 7th December 2022
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] You can manage your whitemark directly from the application
- [GENERAL] Changes some icons
- [GENERAL] Wording and rework some toaster
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix for create sub categories in some cases
Version 3.13.2 - 5th December 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing the new browser extension
Version 3.13.2 - 5th December 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing the new browser extension
Version 3.13.1 - 26th November 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing the new browser extension
Version 3.13.0 - 24th November 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Redesign and rework of the entire browser extension
- [GENERAL] Correcting design of some points of dark mode
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You can now add files like .har, .ovpn, .conf in you transfers
Version 3.12.0 - 16th November 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKPASS] Adding Bitwarden import
- [LOCKPASS] Managing line breaks in the Description field
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Multiple files transfert is now correctly downloaded in all cases
- [GENERAL] Correcting design of some points of dark mode
- [GENERAL] Wording
Version 3.11.3 - 28th October 2022
- [GENERAL] Wording
- [GENERAL] Some design and UX details
- [LOCKFILES] You can now move a file as manager of the folder
Version 3.11.2 - 24th October 2022
- [GENERAL] You dont have to click two times to open the password generator anymore
- [GENERAL] Wording
- [GENERAL] Some design and UX details
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix on file rename
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix on file download
Version 3.11.1 - 20th October 2022
- [GENERAL] Improving error connection catch
Version 3.11.0 - 17th October 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKPASS] You now have an option on the categories to allow passwords deletion
- [LOCKPASS] Improving password slide to have a better display of the informations
- [HISTORY] You can now export logs for a given duration
- [GENERAL] Improving file upload time
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You can now compartmentalize or decompartmentalize an existing deposit box
- [MANAGEMENT] Display bugfix when a user had a long email or a long group name
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix on some using report
Version 3.10.2 - 19th September 2022
- [LOCKFILES] Improving multiple files download
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You cannot set a past expiration date on a transfer
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Bugfix when you want to only send the password by phone
Version 3.10.0 - 12th September 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKPASS / LOCKFILES] You can now download report for a LockPass category or LockFiles folder
- [MANAGEMENT] You can now import a list of groups
- [LOCKPASS] Expand and collapse categories when moving a password
- [LOCKFILES] You can now import folders in the root shared folder
- [LOCKPASS] You can now directly click on a category when you did a search
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix when a file finished by the character "."
Version 3.9.2 - 5th September 2022
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Limit of large file is now respected in external pages
- [LOCKPASS] You can now add a credential with the extension without "login"
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix for internal password changes
Version 3.9.1 - 25th August 2022
- [GENERAL] Improve SMTP configuration
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix when you want to delete a group from a folder
- [MANAGEMENT] Bugfix in management lists
- [GENERAL] Missing translations
Version 3.9.0 - 18th August 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKFILES] You can now receive an email when a new file is uploaded in a folder
- [LOCKPASS] Improving detection of forms
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Email completion is now working correctly when you create a transfer
Version 3.8.1 - 4th August 2022 (Only for Chrome and Edge)
- [GENERAL] Bugfix for the new Chromium engine version
Version 3.8.0 - 29th July 2022
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] You can now add and delete a password for the SSO users
- [LOCKTRANSFER] External pages are now mobile friendly
- [LOCKPASS] You can now add more than 15 sub categories
- [LOCKPASS] Optimizing card's listing
- [MANAGEMENT] List is correctly refreshed when you create an organization
- [LOCKPASS] Optional input are correctly displayed in the plugin when it is more than 8 characters
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix in categories import
Version 3.7.4 - 18th July 2022
- [LOCKTRANSFER] Transfers protected by password can be create without email
Version 3.7.3 - 15th July 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Navigation improved
- [LOCKPASS] In the plugin, "Perso" has been replaced by "Personnal space"
- [GENERAL] Adding some missing translations
- [LOCKPASS] Optional entries are now displayed in full in the plugin
Version 3.7.2 - 27th June 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Improving display for vertical screens
- [GENERAL] Bugfix for SSO authentication on mobile
- [GENERAL] Bugfix in the forgotten password. You don't have to do it twice anymore
- [LOCKPASS] Pin code is correctly displayed when you use the global export
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix for a manager when he tries to create a category
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix in the display list by cards
Version 3.7.1 - 7th June 2022
- [GENERAL] You can now enter your pin code with keyboard
- [GENERAL] Some wording
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix when you try to download an empty folder
Version 3.7.0 - 30th May 2022
[New feature]
- [GENERAL] Users can now change their firstname and lastname
- [LOCKPASS] Homepage has been completely redesigned and you can now add your favorites categories
- [LOCKPASS] Categories import has now a state of progression
- [LOCKPASS/LOCKFILES] Groups can now be promoted as category/folder managers
- [LOCKFILES] You will not be redirected to the root folder after a folder deletion
Version 3.6.9 - 16th May 2022
- [LOCKPASS] Improving performance when using browser extension
- [GENERAL] Improving SSO enrollment. Users doesn't have to disconnect and reconnect to see the shared categories
Version 3.6.8 - 3rd May 2022
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You can now add multiple recipient in the "email" input. Semi colon separated.
- [LOCKPASS] Improving performance when using browser extension
- [LOCKPASS] Improving the auto detection mecanism
- [LOCKPASS] Improving the auto add mecanism
- [LOCKFILES] Bugfix when you try to add an empty file or folder
- [LOCKPASS] Bugfix character encoding in global export
Version 3.6.5 - 16th Apr 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKPASS] Adding right click options for the extension allowing to add or remove a detected field or disable/enable fields auto detection for a website
- [LOCKPASS] Improving the auto detection mecanism
- [LOCKPASS] Improving the auto add mecanism
Version 3.6.0 - 3rd Apr 2022
[New feature]
- [LOCKPASS] All processes for auto add and auto completion has been reviewed
- [LOCKTRANSFER] You can now add a manager in your deposit boxes. These manager will be able to add or remove users and change all the options
- [GENERAL] Change some wording
Version 3.5.0 - 20th Apr 2022
[New feature]
- [MANAGEMENT] You can now retrieve a user report on the management tab
- [GENERAL] Connexion pages has been reviewed
- [LOCKPASS] Category tree in adding and changing passwords has been reviewed. You can hide subcategories you don't have access to
- [LOCKPASS] Optional fields are now displayed in the extension popup
- [LOCKPASS] A search has been implemented in the extension popup
- [LOCKPASS] Password is hide by default in the extension popup
- [LOCKFILES] Fixed a display bug when adding a file in LockFiles without extensions
Version 3.4.5 - 11th Apr 2022
[New feature]
- You now retrieve the API and APP version, on the surface menu.
- Wording has been reviewed on some card, and dont cut words on the middle anymore
- Mandatory inputs has been indentified by a star for the add and modify password actions
- Passwords import has been totally reviewed. You now have the pourcentage and estimation time when you're doing an import
- Session duration is now 8h by default
- You can now download multiple files at the same time in the deposit boxes
- You can now set the time on the logs history
- You can now files sort on LockFiles by name, size or last modification
Version 3.4.4 - 24th Jan 2022
[New feature]
- You can now retrieve the last connection date when you click on a user
- On the logs section, you can select which organization you want to get
- Bugfix on list in the shared deposit box. You can now unfold it.
Version 3.4.1 - 6th Jan 2022
- The Personnal category is now the default on the popup
- File name no longer leaves the window in deposit box
- Bugfix on forgot password
- Bugfix on resending SMS in LockTransfer
Version 3.4.0 - 16th Nov 2021
- In LockFiles, the all upload mechanism has been reviewed
Version 3.3.0 - 21st Oct 2021
- New browser popup has been improved
- Transfers state has been improved in LockTransfer
Version 3.2.0 - 13th Oct 2021
[New feature]
- A new popup has been designed for the browser extension. You can now create password from your current tab and directly access your passwords
- The button "Delete users" is not displayed when you select multiple user in directory groups
- Phone number is correctly displayed in the phone book
Version 3.1.2 - 27th Sep 2021
- Improving display when a user is deactivated in Management
- Improving users display in category management
- On LockTransfer, you can directly see if the transfer is deactivate
- All popup has been improved
- Adding loader when downloading file in LockPass
- Improving display when a transfer name was too long
- The button "Resend email" is not displayed if the user has already download the transfer in LockTransfer protected by email.
Mise à jour