Download Firefox (ESR)

To fully utilize all the features of LockPass, download and install your browser extension. Read on to learn how to install and use this extension on the Firefox ESR browser.


Why the extension is no longer available on Firefox

The extension is primarily added via the ESR (Extended Support Release) version of Firefox, rather than through the Firefox extension store as was previously the case. Indeed, to apply our updates to the browser extension, Firefox has recently imposed rules that conflict with GDPR and the contracts we have with our clients. 

Therefore, as a French company, we had to choose between the legality of our activities under the law and complying with rules imposed by non-European organizations. As a result, we no longer maintain the LockSelf extension on Firefox, as we do for Chrome or Edge. 

To address this issue, you can download Firefox via the Extended Support Release (ESR), which will allow you to use the browser extension. 

Download Firefox (Extended Support Release)

The Extended Support Release (ESR) version of Firefox offers long-term support. It is an official and free version intended for organizations that need to deploy and maintain Firefox on a large scale. Firefox ESR does not provide all the latest features but includes the latest stability and security fixes.

To download Firefox ESR, go to the following link:

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 13.48.37.png

Choose the version that suits your OS: 

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 13.57.16.png

Configure Your Browser Before Installing the Extension

Since the LockSelf extension for Firefox does not benefit from Mozilla's signature, it is necessary to disable signature verification on your Firefox ESR.

To do this, change the xpinstall.signatures.required setting: 

  1. Type about:config in the URL field of Firefox ESR:

    Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 13.59.49.png

  2. Search for signature in the search bar:

    Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.00.35.png

  3. Set the xpinstall.signatures.required parameter to false:

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.02.16.png

Install the Extension

  1. To install the extension, go to the URL: 

    Capture d’écran 2024-02-22 à 16.05.48.png

  2. Click on "Télécharger l'extension (download the extension)"

    Capture d’écran 2024-02-26 à 14.44.11.png

  3. Click on "Continue to install"

    Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.04.28.png

  4. Click on "Add"

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.05.45.png


Your LockSelf extension for Firefox ESR is now installed and will receive automatic updates.

Ensure the Extension is Properly Installed and Enabled

Go to your menu, then click on "Settings" and then "Add-ons and Themes":

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.08.18.png

Make sure the LockSelf extension is installed and active (the blue checkmark should be activated): 

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.07.29.png

Update Your Extension

Your extension is automatically updated with new LockSelf features. There's nothing you need to do on your end.

Check Your Extension Version

To check your extension version, go to your menu, then click on "Add-ons and Themes" and then click on the LockSelf extension. The version number is written just above the last update date. 

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 14.39.16.png

