Read on to find out how to set up your white mark on the LockSelf application.
Only the Administrator account can perform this action.
If you have subscribed to the White Mark option, once your infrastructure is installed, you will be able to implement it.
To do so, go to the Settings tab of the Administrator account and click on the « Whitemark » module
Depending on the module you use (LockPass, LockFiles and LockTransfer), you will be able to customize several elements. If necessary, you can change these elements again at any time.
Internal view
You will be able to customize the internal view of the application, and choose among others :
- the main color of the application (code HEX, RGB, HSL)
- the background color of the logo (code HEX, RGB, HSL)
- the color of the action buttons (code HEX, RGB, HSL)
- the quilted color (code HEX, RGB, HSL)
- your logo (in SVG format), and also its shape (rectangular or square)
External view (LockTransfer only)
You will be able to customize the external view, i.e. the web page that your recipients will see when receiving a transfer or deposit box. You can choose :
- the color of the Download button (HEX, RGB, HSL code)
- the background picture (png or jpeg format, 1920 x 1080)
- your logo (in SVG format, 250 x 150 px)
- your favicon (SVG format, 150 x 150 px)
The notification email
For LockPass and LockFiles, these are notification emails, such as password reset or password change, etc.
For LockTransfer, these are download or uploads notification emails (for the creator of a transfer or deposit box), and also the emails that recipients will receive when a transfer or deposit box is received.
You can choose :
- the color of the Download button (HEX code, RGB, HSL)
- the display language (French only, English only, French and English)
- the name of your company (which will appear in the email subject and content)
- the email banner (in png and jpg format, 587 x 140 px)