Password secured transfer

Read on to find out how to create a transfer protected by a password with LockTransfer.


  • Step 1 : Click on « Transfer », after clicking on mceclip0.png


  • Step 2 : Drag and drop or select the files on your computer.
    • To send an entire folder, which would contain files and sub-folders, you will have to drag and drop it (il will not be possible to select it from the folder explorer)


In the next step, you will be able to add files to your transfer or delete some of the files you have selected.



🚨 If the transfer contains several documents, the upload will be done as an archive on the recipients' side.
  • Step 3 : In the tab By Password, set up the sending parameters

    • the email addresses of your recipients (you can add as many as you wish)
🚨It is possible to add a list of several recipients directly: to do this, copy and paste the list of email addresses, separating them with a ; (semi-colon)
🚨 It is also possible to create a transfer without adding recipients : the transfer will be created with a download link, and the documents will be accessible by anyone you will give the link to.  This download link will thus be reusable as many times as necessary.
    • the password needed to download the documents of the transfer : you can use the password generator

🚨 Use the password generator or a passphrase system. The passphrase is a password with a large number of characters, assembled as a sentence. Just as secure as a strong password, it is also more convenient for your recipients to type. 

Exemple : thepapersheetis11in

🚨 If you do not send the password to your recipients automatically by sms (see next optional step), please send it to them yourself, via the channel of your choice: email, other third-party solution, etc.
    • the phone number of your recipients (optional) : if you want the password to be automatically sent to your recipients by sms.
🚨 Each user has 12 sms per year. If you wish to increase this number, you can contact your Administrator or Moderators.


    • download receipts (optional) : you will be able to receive an email notification in real time when the recipient(s) will download the documents (the email will contain technical information such as the IP address, the OS of the recipient and the time and date of the download).

    • an expiry date (optional) : date at which the transfer will be automatically archived and therefore not accessible to recipients (whether or not there have been any downloads).

    • a maximum number of downloads (optional) : allows you to define the maximum number of downloads for this transfer. Once this number is reached, the transfer will be automatically archived.

🚨 If the maximum number of downloads is 2 and the transfer was sent to 3 recipients, the third recipient will not be able to access the transfer.

    • a description (optional) : it will appear in the email received by the recipients and can be used to specify the purpose of the transfer


Once all the parameters are set up, you can send your transfer by clicking on « Send » : the files will be encrypted and the transfer created.

🚨To see what the recipient(s) will receive, read the article presenting the recipients view when receiving a transfer.


