Analysis of LockTransfer and LockFiles data (Storage and Sharing tab)

Read on to find out how to analyze LockFiles and LockTransfer data with the Dashboard's Storage and Sharing tab.

Only the Administrator account and Moderators can access the Dashboard and this tab.




This section describes the actual usage of LockFiles, including the number of files and folders created in shared spaces during the last 6 months.

The graph will also show the evolution of the number of files and folders created per month, over the last 6 months.


This section describes the actual usage of LockTransfer, including the number of transfers and dropboxes created in the last 6 months.

By clicking on , you can also find out:

  • the number of transfers protected by password, by email or even those without protection will also be specified, as well as the number of active and inactive transfers.
  • the number of partitioned and decompartmentalized deposit boxes, as well as the number of active and inactive boxes.

The graph will also give the evolution of the number of transfers and dropboxes created per month, over the last 6 months.

Storage space

This tab describes the storage space used by all your users, and in particular for:

  • passwords (LockPass): the number of files attached to Shared Space passwords and the space they use.
    • the list of passwords concerned (which have one or more files attached) ranked from largest to smallest is also available, with the option of clicking on one to be redirected to it

  • shares (LockTransfer): the number of active and inactive transfers and dropboxes, and the space they use
    • the list of these transfers or dropboxes ranked from largest to smallest is also available, with the option of clicking on one to be redirected to the card of the user who created the transfer or box (in the Management tab)
  • files (LockFiles): the number of files contained in all Shared Spaces as well as in all Personal Spaces, all combined, and the space they use.
    • The list of Shared Spaces ranked from largest to smallest is also available, with the option of clicking on one to be redirected to it
    • The list of Personal Spaces ranked from largest to smallest is also available, with the option of clicking on one of them to be redirected to the card of the user who owns the space in question (in the Management tab)

The remaining available space (if any) is also displayed, along with the space occupied by any sub-organizations (with no details on the split between passwords, shares or files).

Exposure area


This section shows the number and proportion of folders shared at (from top to bottom):

  • more than 75% of the organization
  • 50% to 75% of the organization
  • 25% to 50% of the organization
  • - from 25% of the organization

Clicking on a category (a circle), then on one of the relevant folders, will redirect you directly to it.


This section describes the extent to which the organization's transfers have been shared (i.e. the number of people to whom they have been shared).

Only transfers that are active and shared to external recipients will be displayed.

Transfers are divided into 5 categories:

  • those that have been shared to the largest number of recipients (the 5% most shared)
  • those whose number of recipients is between the average and the most shared 5%
  • those that were shared to a number of recipients equal to the average number of recipients
  • those with a number of recipients between the average and the 5% least shared
  • those shared to the lowest number of recipients (the 5% least shared)

By clicking directly on a category, then on one of the transfers concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the transfer (in the Management tab).

Deposit box

This section describes the extent to which the organization's dropboxes have been shared (i.e. the number of people to whom they have been shared).

Only dropboxes that are active and shared to external recipients will be displayed.

Dropboxes are divided into 5 categories:

  • those that have been shared to the largest number of recipients (the 5% most shared)
  • those with a number of recipients between the average and the 5% most shared
  • those that were shared to a number of recipients equal to the average number of recipients
  • those with a number of recipients between the average and the 5% least shared
  • those shared to the lowest number of recipients (the 5% least shared)

By clicking directly on a category, then on one of the dropboxes concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the dropbox (in the Management tab).


Transfer volume

This section gives a view of the volume of the organization's transfers (i.e. their size, which depends on the size of the files they contain).

Transfers are divided into 5 categories:

  • the most voluminous (the largest 5%)
  • those whose volume is between the average and the largest 5%
  • those whose volume is equal to the average volume
  • those whose volume is between the average and the 5% least voluminous
  • the least voluminous (the 5% least voluminous)

By clicking directly on one of the categories, then on one of the transfers concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the transfer (in the Management tab).

Dropbox volume

This section gives a view of the volume of the organization's dropboxes (i.e. their size, which depends on the size of the files they contain).

Dropboxes are divided into 5 categories:

  • the most voluminous (the largest 5%)
  • those with a volume between the average and the top 5%
  • .
  • celles whose volume is equal to the average volume
  • celles whose volume is between the average and the 5% least voluminous
  • the least voluminous (the 5% least voluminous)

By clicking directly on one of the categories, then on one of the dropboxes concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the dropbox (in the Management tab).

Old transfers

This section gives a view of the age of the organization's transfers, i.e. their "age".

Transfers are divided into 5 categories:

  • the oldest (the oldest 5%)
  • those whose age is between the average and the oldest 5%
  • those whose age is equal to the average age
  • those whose age is between the average and the most recent 5%
  • the most recent (the most recent 5%)

By clicking directly on one of the categories, then on one of the transfers concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the transfer (in the Management tab).

Old deposit boxes

This section gives a view of the age of the organization's dropboxes, i.e. their "age".

Dropboxes are divided into 5 categories:

  • the oldest (the oldest 5%)
  • those whose age is between the average and the oldest 5%
  • those whose age is equal to the average age
  • celles whose age is between the average and the most recent 5%
  • the most recent (the most recent 5%)

By clicking directly on one of the categories, then on one of the dropboxes concerned, you will be redirected to the card of the user who created the dropbox (in the Management tab).


Download mapping

This map gives a view of the known download locations of transfers and dropboxes, created by users in your organization over the last 1 year.

For each location, the number of transfers and dropboxes will be displayed.

Destination domains

This section shows the mail domains of recipients to whom users in your organization have shared transfers or dropboxes.

For each mail domain, you get the complete list of mail addresses that have received transfers or dropboxes from your users, as well as the exact number of transfers or dropboxes involved, with the option of copying the relevant mail address.
