Log analysis

Read on to find out how to analyze the Dashboard logs tab.

Only the Administrator account and Moderators can access the Dashboard and this tab.


In the Logs tab, you will be able to see all user' actions on the application. You can also export the desired items to a CSV file.

For each export, you will get as information, the type of action (connection, category, folder, group, organization, etc) as well as the action in question (creation, use, PIN, authentication, etc). You will also get the user's email, IP address, machine, browser used and the date of the action.

The Logs tab allows you to track user usage of the application and measure activity. 

  • Step 1 : Enter the keyword you are looking for in the « Text search » field.

  • Step 2 : Select the sub-organization in which you wish to search for the information

  • Step 3: Select the type of information you want to get (application logins, actions on passwords, files, drop boxes, etc).

  • Step 4: The results corresponding to your search criteria are displayed. You can export the results obtained in CSV format by clicking on “Export all”.

Here is an example of the Excel file you will get :

